Wednesday, November 29, 2006

is NaMoBloPo over yet?

What day is it again? I'm not sure that I've run out of things to say, but it's starting to feel like blogging is a chore. Before NaMoBloPo, I would blog two or three times a week on average. This daily blogging is difficult. I sometimes feel like I have nothing interesting to say...I know there are people visiting my blog, but since I get few comments it sometimes feels like I'm just talking to myself.

Of course, that's nothing new- I am a mother to two preschoolers after all!

Some days I think, "oh, I have the perfect blog entry" but by the time I actually sit down to type it all out, it seems like too much trouble...or I get sidetracked...or I've completely forgotten what the hell I was going to say in the first place.

Anyways.... (what a rambl-y, nonsensical post- I guess that's what I get for posting at 12:30am)

Here's another digiscrapping page. I posted the original photo on my blog earlier this year, in case you're wondering why it looks familiar:

click for credits


Sarita said...

I'm not a big commenter...I really should comment more because I love your posts! It is great to see all the creativity around your house and fun to hear your parenting stories! But...I know I couldn't post on my blog everyday, good for you!

So...after the end of November you can go back to your normal three times a week but just know that your efforts are enjoyed by many even if we don't comment!

Woolfairy said...

OK, now I feel guilty! I have been taking so much inspiration from your posts (and enjoying a little touch of familiarity) and I rarely comment. But I do appreciate it all. And I have every intentoin this weekend of starting some socks for the boys because Z got one look at MB's socks and ran to get his too small ones and stuffed his feet into them. Must make socks... (I'm not going to finish my Trellis scarf for Lacevember in November anyway. Which reminds me, I need to Paypal you... Which email address?)

Anonymous said...

I've been reading everyday as well! And I feel much the same way, but I want it all there because I know someday I'll go back and read and say to myself "Holy crap, I forgot about that cute thing/person/photo/time we had!"